three women sitting on brown wooden bench
three women sitting on brown wooden bench

Connect + Meet + Explore

Discover the magic of friendship

three woman looking back and facing body of water
three woman looking back and facing body of water

About Us is a platform that connects Indians across the globe, allowing them to meet, connect, and explore the wonders of friendship. With virtual meets, city walks, games, talks, respect, clubs, movies, events, and more, we bring together people to work and live together.

Our Services

We offer a range of services to enhance your experience on From virtual meets to city walks, games to talks, and clubs to events, we provide opportunities for you to connect and engage with like-minded individuals.

person holding pencil near laptop computer
person holding pencil near laptop computer
Virtual Meets
person holding Android smartphone and taking a photo of abstract wall during daytime
person holding Android smartphone and taking a photo of abstract wall during daytime
City Walks

Explore the virtual realm and meet new people from the comfort of your own home. Or venture out into the city and discover new places with fellow IndiaDost members.

Reviews has helped me connect with people from all over the world. The platform is easy to use and the community is friendly and welcoming.
I have made lifelong friends through The virtual meets and city walks have allowed me to explore new cultures and experiences.


selective color photo of train station
selective color photo of train station

Contact Us

